Under Act No. 6/1993 Coll., on the Czech National Bank (pdf, 238 kB), as amended, the Czech National Bank participates in preparing draft legislation in the area of payments and clearing between banks, foreign bank branches and credit unions. It promotes smooth and efficient operation of the payment system and contributes to the safety, soundness and efficiency of payment systems and to the development thereof.
The CNB operates the CERTIS interbank payment system, within which it maintains accounts for banks, credit unions and foreign bank branches and processes payments between them.
The CNB also maintains accounts and provides payment services to state organisational units, their subsidised organisations, state funds, regional authorities and other entities in accordance with the Act on Budgetary Rules. The CNB does not maintain accounts or provide related services to private individuals, except for its own employees.
This section contains regulations governing the payment system area, various directories and registers (e.g. a list of the payment codes of banks operating in the Czech Republic and Slovakia, lists of payment systems and their participants), information on the International Bank Account Number IBAN, information on the interbank payment system CERTIS, a list of services that the CNB provides for its clients, including the terms and conditions under which the CNB maintains accounts, and a price list.
The complete statistical data can be downloaded from the ECB’s website through the Statistical Data Warehouse at http://sdw.ecb.europa.eu/.